Questions & Answers

EVO-All do I need to order the harness and also do i need flash updater or the existing firmware will support my car.

+1 vote
X-Trail 2014 (Euro) Intelligent Key Push Start EVO-All T-Harness Flash Updater
asked Aug 13, 2022 in Nissan by Rohit Singh (260 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
IMO,,,, YES. Some installers don't use the harness but depending on the car and your experiance it can make life much easier.

I won't buy anything that I can't update and configure options so you should get the Flash Link unit.
answered Aug 14, 2022 by Brian Kelly2 (560 points)
selected Aug 19, 2022 by Rohit Singh
+1 vote
Just an FYI. We have no remote start listing the 2014 Xtrail Euro. There is no harness listing either. What is currently on the website is used by distibutors overseas in order to the immobilizer bypass for their own remote start systems.
answered Aug 15, 2022 by Robert T2 (299,010 points)