Questions & Answers

Tech Support

+1 vote
If the Evo was purchased through a 3rd party (Amazon, Dealer/Distributor, etc.) and installed by an end-user; would the end-user be able to get support by calling or using the Q&A?
asked Mar 4, 2022 in FAQ by Rizallion Cloma (530 points)
reopened Oct 4, 2023 by Rizallion Cloma

1 Answer

0 votes
Best answer
Any module bought from an online reseller will need to contact the reseller first,, if they get stuck they will ocntact us. and we highly recommend professional installation.
answered Mar 7, 2022 by J M (64,060 points)
selected Oct 4, 2023 by Rizallion Cloma
I was asking for a friend. I never had problems getting support from Fortin. Just curious what the answer is for my 2nd question????