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2012 f150 evo all plug and go. red an blue led stays on. i have asked and tried everything with no luck.I now have an overpriced paper weight.
asked Jan 22, 2022 in Ford by donnie beasley (220 points)

1 Answer

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I am sorry to hear you are experiencing issues programming your module.


Please make sure the required connections have been made if you are using the evo-fort4 or evo-fort1:


Also you will need 2 Ford master keys to program the module as stated on the Fortin website:


If you are still unable to program the module to the vehicle please contact our tech support line so we can walk you through the procedure and get your issue resolved.



Mon - Fri

8 am - 6 pm EST.  


Best Regards.
answered Jan 24, 2022 by derek g (334,350 points)