Questions & Answers

Can bus faults after 3 trouble free years

0 votes
Is there any warranty on a the evo device that stopped working out of the blue? My 2014 ram broke down a couple of nights ago and the dtcs state the can bus was not ok. U0001 I removed the can high wire from evo and all issues went away and cleared. I love my remote starter and fob, is there anyway to get this module repaired or replaced ?
asked Dec 29, 2021 in Ram by joe tom (410 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Warranty is held at your point of purchase.


By the sounds of it though it sounds like it may have been a wiring related not a module problem, seems odd it would take 3 years for it to happen. Normally youd see it right away if there was something wrong that was module related.


Best Regards.
answered Dec 29, 2021 by derek g (337,560 points)
0 votes
What firware are you using if it 0.36 you will have can bus issues at random times
answered Dec 11, 2022 by Robert Laurie (980 points)