Questions & Answers

2021 Ford F450 start limits

0 votes
On a 2021 F450, I am limited to two starts before the Ford system denies the start by honking once once on activation.  This happens even with decryptor programming.  Run time is also limited to 15 minutes no matter the setting on the EVO-ALL.  Is there a way to bypass that restriction to give more than two 15 minute run cycles?
asked Nov 11, 2021 in Ford by Curtis DesEnfants (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
that install triggers the oem starter and is controlled by the car. There is no way to change that 2 start limitation. For the runtime, the truck should already have the menu enabled for the oem starter settings in either the cluster or radio. You'll be able to change the run time there.

If the vehicle is not a Push-to-Start, the other option is a completely different setup like is listed on the 2020 F450 without keyless entry. It has not been tested on the 2021 with keyless entry though.

answered Nov 11, 2021 by Robert T (304,010 points)