Questions & Answers

2013 camry G-key. FOB doesn't work after remote starting vehicle

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3X lock and vehicle starts. Now key FOB doesn't work while vehicle is running and have to use the key to enter the vehicle. 

I've install in 2 other vehicle and after vehicle has started, I can still use the key FOB to unlock the door. I can also click 3X on the lock and shutoff vehicle. But I can't do it with this camry...did I miss a wire? or is this normal operation?

thank you.

asked May 24, 2021 in Toyota by Ven Yann (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
That is normal operation.


Fortin does not list 3x lock for the 2013 camry G key for this very reason.
answered May 24, 2021 by derek g (334,350 points)