Questions & Answers

2017 Ford Ranger Australia

0 votes
Hi, can anybody kindly inform me if the EVO-All kit works with Australian 2017 Ford Ranger XLT? I have the following equipment EVO-FORT3 and the flash-link updater but cannot find guides for 2017 ranger. Many thanks in advance
asked Apr 25, 2021 in Ford by Daniel Macchi (270 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

I can confirm the unit EVO-FORT3 works with Australian PX2 Ranger and is very easy to do if you have the right tools.

I also set mine to lock-unlock-lock as I prefer this.
answered May 4, 2021 by Daniel Macchi (270 points)
0 votes
Not tested.
answered Apr 26, 2021 by derek g (334,350 points)
Thanks Derek, any other suggestions for where I can start? Happy to provide instructions back if I get it to work
I do not have any other suggestions as it has not been tested at this time.


If you wish to try it yourself that is your decision to make.