Questions & Answers

(+) clutch bypass wire manual for audi b8

0 votes
Hi there

I am trying to install a evo one in a 2009 manual audi s5 but i am having a problem the yellow line which connect to (+) clutch bypass are too short to connect under the hood. i know i can cut the orange and white line and to extend to connect to the hood but i want to know is there another way to connect to the clutch bypass instead under the hood is there like another wire near the the clutch pedel?


thank you

asked Mar 14, 2021 in Audi by michael leung (150 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
That is the only location I am aware of.
answered Mar 15, 2021 by derek g (358,130 points)
Thank you very much i manage to extend the wire to the engine bay but now i am trying to program but im stuck not sure what did i do wrong. in the evo one instruction guide 77141 in step 5 when i press and release the buttton the blue light turn off and it didnt flash at all.
What is the S/N to the module?
my s/n 002B04 159357
you currently have the wrong firmware inside the module. If you are following this guide:

Please load firmware 60.10 into the unit and re attempt programming.
Thank you Derek,

I install the firmware back to 60.10 and i guess i connect the wrong wire for the can low and can high. now i finish the whole program and dryptor with a new key but when i press three lock the car wont start. also while programing at step 7 when my module is flashing blue red and yellow rapidly at my dash it said brake malfunction (is it normal?). i did some search in the q and a do i need to apply ready mode?  thank you once again.
The brake message when programming is normal.


if doing 3x lock ensure option 38.2 in the starter and option C1 in the bypass are enabled.


For ready mode activate option 33.2 in the starter and follow choice 3 in this guide:


Ready mode must be done prior to everytime you wish to remote start the vehicle.
ok i will try it and by the way i have a question to ask is there any way to disable this ready mode?
No. Ready mode is mandatory for manual transmission vehicles for obvious saftey reasons.
im not sure what happen when i try option 3 set up at the end the evo one yellow and red light show up then make a click sound then i turn off the car, lock the door, but when i press 3x lock nothing happen? it is becuase i set up evo start 2 which wont allow me to use the oem key to remote start?
You do not need to turn the carr off.

When you exit the evo will shut the vehicle down for you.

If the above doesnt work, what is the S/N to the unit? I will check for you to make sure you enabled the correct options for the 3x lock and ready mode.
yes and thank you for the support i manage to make the remote start to work but it kinda annoying every time i need to exit the car with the engine running which is a new way of shuting down the car. i have a question to ask how do i program the evo start 2 to work with your phone and i already activate the s/n for the evo start 2 on my phone.

Thank you once again

go into the garage, swipe left on the vehicle, click edit, click add authorized users.
ok tested and every work perfectly thank you for the support that is really helpful
Glad you got it going.


Best Regards.