Questions & Answers

Older Stock of Evo ALL and Evo ONE

0 votes
Preparing to install Evo- ONE in a 2004 Toyota Camry Standard key as well as an Evo ALL in 2012 jetta and 2016 Ram.

I have old stock (2017) of Evo all and evo one units. The guide (for many models I have looked up) states at the beginning that I need to use modules manufactured after 2019 or after 2020 etc.

Can I use these 2017 units confidently or should I be exchanging them before installation?


Thanks for your help
asked Dec 8, 2020 in Toyota by jbest (300 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
The 2017 units will work just fine for those vehicles.


Its only when you start getting into the new solutions like the 2020 h-key platform that you need the QR code modules.
answered Dec 8, 2020 by derek g (334,350 points)
selected Dec 8, 2020 by jbest