Questions & Answers

Module appears to pass dcryptor, but still slow flashes blue when installed.

0 votes
After returning module to truck after Dcryptor processs completes, the module still slow flashes blue when installed. The truck still starts with the key, remotely locks and unlocks, but will not remote start. The module does nothing but slow flash blue. I don't see anything in the instructions or troubleshooting about this problem.
posté Fev 23, 2020 dans la catégorie Ram par mike S (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
If the module is flashing blue slowly, it's a sign that the dcryptor process did not go through 100%, the most common issue we have seen is that you are still using an old version of the Flashlink Manager software, you should be on v. 4.51 and the flashink updater should be on 4.05.


Please provide the 12 digit service number.
répondu Fev 24, 2020 par J M (64,170 points)