Questions & Answers

2018 Dodge Journey - Evo ALL THAR-CHR6 - Guide # 73591 - CAN H and CAN L alternate location?

0 votes
The guide states that the CANH and CANL wires are up in the CAN junction block. I've located the wires, and I can just get the plug out but once I do, there is not enough wire slack to be able to splice into them. I've seen people mention thay've gotten this to work, but I do not see how.

I know that there is a CANH and CANL in the OBD2 port, as they are there in pretty much all vehicles since it's an industry standard. Is there any reason I cannot splice into those?
posté Oct 28, 2019 dans la catégorie Dodge par Justin Stroud (270 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Yes, because there is  security gateway at the obd2 port that will stop the module from programming.
répondu Oct 29, 2019 par derek g (359,100 points)
OK, makes sense, but how in the world are people getting to those wires at the junction block? Maybe somone can give me a decription or something, cause I'm out of ideas.
Personally have not done one yet so can't speak on that.
I'm having trouble finding the 3 pin white connector.
Did you ever figure out how to get to the CAN and tap on the the High and Low?


I'm having a hard time even reaching in there.