Questions & Answers

RFK942 Two-WayRFKit

0 votes
How come fortin website doesnt show this model, found this via google.

Do any of RF kits support proximity feature so I dont have take a key out near the vehicle? Push button start

If I get aforementioned rf kit how will the vehicle know factory key is in the car?
posté Oct 14, 2019 dans la catégorie Mazda par Marcin Paszkowski (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

"How come fortin website doesnt show this model, found this via google."

- It is not listed because it is not for salle to all of the public at this time. 


"Do any of RF kits support proximity feature"

- None. 


"If I get aforementioned rf kit how will the vehicle know factory key is in the car?"

- No, you will always need to carry your OEM fob. 


répondu Oct 15, 2019 par derek g (359,100 points)