Questions & Answers

Evo one alarm shock sensor warn away only

0 votes
Evo one alarm. Shock sensor only triggers warn away. When tested without sensor plugged in short pulse triggers warn away. Long pause does the same. Cannot get full alarm to trigger at all. 002807 242359
posté Juin 5, 2019 dans la catégorie Remote Starters par KOZ (750 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
What shock sensor are you using?
répondu Juin 5, 2019 par derek g (359,100 points)
504D with modified 3 pin plug
Can't say I have run into this. I just tested one on the bench and it gave both warn and full trigger.


Do you have another evo to try?
Got back to this vehicle today.  Swapped sensor and it works.... wierd.

Now....can I use the same input with a prox sensor? or with the two fight each other on the same input?
You should be able to but you would want to diode isolate the trigger wires from each other.


Not 100% sure though as I have never personally done both at once on an evo one.