Questions & Answers

Car starts then stalls and dash says No Key

0 votes
Installed and programed Evo-All in a 2011 VW Jetta with standard key.  I am using the TB-VW bypass and when pressing the remote 3 times, the car starts, but then immediately stalls.  NO KEY is diplayed on the dash panel.  The decryptor process seemed to work OK.  Any help would be appreciated.
posté Mai 19, 2018 dans la catégorie Volkswagen par Robert Paganini (250 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Please tell us how the red led flashes when you initiate remote starting.


Thank you,
répondu Mai 22, 2018 par J M (64,270 points)
The red led stays lit steady as does the amber led.
The red led should flash rapidly for about half a second after initiating remote starting BEFORE the yellow turns on, this is when the evo-all is communicating with the TB-VW, please make sure the tb-vw is well plugged in. Please post the date on the bottom of the TB-VW


Thank you,
The date is 11/2017
Are you using a t-harness for the installation? If not, you will need to check the 12v, ground and the 2 data wires from the TB-VW, from what you are describing it would seem that the evo is not able to communicate with the TB-VW which is why the key codes are not being sent.



Thank you,
I am using a t-harness.  Is there a way to test the TB-VW?  If I disconnect the TB-VW, the car will start with the key, but then immediately stall and NO KEY will be displayed on the dashboard, leaving me to believe that the TB-VW is doing it's job.


Thank you
Did you ever solve this issue. I'm having the same problem on my 2012 beetle.