Questions & Answers

2018 Highlander Won't Start with Evo-All and T-Harness

0 votes
Used the flash link to update the EvoAll unit to firware 79.45

Following the Stand-Alone Evo-All & THAR-TOY6 instructions, connected all connectors that are mandatory.

Did not connect the "optional" wire to the push button start switch, what is it for?

Also, did not install a hood pin as the 2018 Highlander should have hood sensor built into the ECU, yeah?

Push lock 3x, blue light on EVO flashes with each push, then one flash, then nothing.
posté Mar 4, 2018 dans la catégorie Toyota par Brandon Schmitz (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Please turn on D 1.10 (lock-lock-lock) to enable the feature to be able to remote start by pressing lock 3x on the oem remotes.


Thank you,
répondu Mar 5, 2018 par J M (64,270 points)