Questions & Answers

Evo one siren relay needed or only for a factory horn a relay is needed

0 votes
Does the evo one require a relay for a siren output or does this unit has a on board relay for that option.Or just like a factory horn hook up you need a external relay becuase it is to much power being drawn on the circuit.
posté Fev 16, 2018 dans la catégorie Kia par jeff panotes (590 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
The Evo-One does not need a relay to drive a siren, the siren/horn output on the Evo-One is rated at 2A, a relay is only needed when using a siren with the evo-all.


Thank you,
répondu Fev 16, 2018 par J M (64,270 points)
Does it matter that this is a neg trigger. What i mean by that is the siren is a pos and neg wire . Does that mean i need a relay to change trigger. On the siren neg goes to ground pos would go to relay and trigger would change because of the relay. Or can it be wired like this . Pos to 12 volts and neg to the neg trigger. Sounds like it would work but not sure or would it burn the unit that way