Questions & Answers

evo-one, 6 pin harness, rs programming, Wrangler

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I require some assitance from you with an installation. I have been reviewing the diagrams shown in the install manual # 16561 and the quick install guide for the installation of an EVO-ONE with the CHR5 t-harness onto a 2016 Jeep Wrangler with manual transmission. I have also reviewed mutliple other EVO-ONE install guides as further information sources as well as searched the forum prior to asking this.

So that you know where I am, here is what has been done so far:

I have installed the valet switch.

Connected the 3 pin to a dual stage shock sensor.

On the 20 pin connector I have added a siren to pin A7, connected the hood pin to A15, and connected the A1 yellow to the t-harness yellow.

On the 6 pin white connector, I have connected the white E1 wire to the white and purple parking light wire at the kick panel on the passenger side of the vehicle, connected the E3 power to an unswitched 12v power source, and connected the E4 ground to a suitable body ground location.

Where I am lost is that on the white 6 pin connector, there are also the E2 orange, E5 pink, and E6 yellow wires that are currently unused. Addtionally, there is no reference to the use of any wires other that E1 and E3 on the instructional schematic. I assumed E4 ground due to E3 12v power is used.

The EVO-ONE quick install guide states that E2 is (+) ACC/IGN2, E5 is (+) ignition, and E6 is (+) Starter. Additionally, while programming the unit with the flash link, function 2 and function 31 make reference to using the white, orange, pink, and yellow.

I know that function 31 should be set to mode 4 since I am using the white wire for the parking lights.

What I do not know is:

A) In addtion to the wires I already have connected (E1, E3, E4) on the white 6 pin connector, what else needs to be connected and where?

B) What mode should function 2 be set to in order to be consistent with the function 31 mode 4 setting?

I am asking prior to final testing so at this time, I do not know if this will work as is set up currently. Just trying to get final confirmation of correct wiring for your product instead of frying either the unit or some wires in the vehicle.

Thanks in advance for your help

edited final line from firing to frying.
posté Avr 28, 2017 dans la catégorie Jeep par Michael C (160 points)

2 Réponses

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We do not start this vehicle like a regular vehicle where you would use all the other wires you just mentioned (IGN, ACC, START) we start this vehicle via Can Bus signals.


If you are using a t-harness I assume since you mentioned a t-harness guide (#16561) Please follow the rest of the connections shown in the guide, which is Yellow of the T-harness to the Yellow of the 20 pin connector (pin A1)


The most important connection you will need to do is the Clutch bypass connections, please consult for the wiring of the relay.
répondu Avr 28, 2017 par J M (64,270 points)
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No other wire from 6 pin connector needs to be connected. Do not change option 2 has it will override option 31.
répondu Avr 29, 2017 par J M (85,210 points)