Questions & Answers

Can i install evo-nist on a Nissan Altima 2010 with steering lock fuse removed?

0 votes
My Car's steering lock failed on me and i got stranded, i hit it with a hammer and it worked, immediately removed the steering lock fuse so not to face this again.

will the evo nist1 package still work for a remote start?
posté Mar 16, 2017 dans la catégorie Nissan par Omar Ismail (280 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
It will still work, the problem being now your vehicle when remote started is no longer protected, if someone was to open the door, the tumbler lock is always unlocked, so the thief can turn the tumbler to the ON position and drive away,

The way we protect the vehicle is that if the smart key or intellikey is not detected before opening the door, the tumbler will be locked.

If you want more security without fixing your steering lock issue, the other option would be to turn ON "shutdown on door open" option D3. which will effectively shut down the vehicle upon sensing a door open and the thief now has no way to restart the vehicle even if he can turn the tumbler since no key will be detected in the vehicle.


Thank you,
répondu Mar 16, 2017 par J M (64,270 points)
Thanks for the reply, however, is there an option to "shutdown if no key detected"? Makes more sense to me, since key will be with the owner.
unfortunately no, the tumbler lock did this function, when no key is detected the tumbler stays locked.

Shutdown on door open will do it whether or not a key is detected.
Thanks again Rico,

But this will make me turn on the car again once i enter. Any other security options?
sorry I misread your issue with the steering lock and read it as an issue with the tumbler lock.


Your vehicle is fine, since it's a Push to Start vehicle. if the factory keyfob is not detected when the door is opened it will shut down automatically.


Just verify that the steering lock fuse does not power up something else in the vehicle.
I have been using the car like this for the past 3 days and i cant see any issue except the noise the steering lock makes is gone.

Is there a way to verify from your side that it will work fine for me before i order the product?
Unfortunately our products are tested on vehicles that are in 100% working order, we cannot guarantee full functionality if you remove a vehicule fuse.


Thank you,
So I bought the EVO-NIST1 and installed it on my Altima 2010 (with steering lock fuse removed) , it worked fine. Wanted to post and confirm in case someone has the same question later.