Questions & Answers

evo-one output for defrost activation when A13 yellow-blck allready used for trunk

0 votes
what wire to use on a evo-one for activating a defrost neg trigger if yellow/black (A13) already used for trunk output?  Is there another wire that can be programmed for neg out ( latched or pulse) cant seem to find programming for aux2 ?  Any help would be great thanks
posté Jan 4, 2017 dans la catégorie Kia par yannick polasek2 (1,950 points)
modifié Jan 4, 2017 par yannick polasek2

1 Réponse

0 votes
If the yellow/black is already used for the trunk, then triggering defrost would not be possible, especially if it's  latch output on defrost, I'd say split the output but if one is latched and the other is momentary that will not work.


You would have to choose one or the other but not both.
répondu Jan 4, 2017 par derek g (359,100 points)
ok thanks but correct me if im wrong but i can also programme option 31.3 and use a small relay to switch back to gnd trigger for the trunk and then used the yellow black for defrost  latched or pulse. since the car does not need 2nd acc or ign.  last question how do you activate the aux 2 for a slidding door let say ? Thanks
there is only one AUX output on the evo-one which is the

function 31 is for the large gauge wires to reconfigure them you could use that option for the trunk as long as it does not mess up the rest of the configured wires on the 6 pin connector. also that will give you a positive trunk output.