Questions & Answers

Remote Start Triggers Factory Alarm

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I installed an Evo-all unit with a python p5706 remote start module in my Mazda CX-9 2014 car,

First of all kindly note that there is an error in the guide and the wirecolor diagrams that marks the Accessory 1 as the Black/Red wire when it is actually the Black/white wire, the Black/Red wire is Ignition 2 which also needs to be connected to the remote start system.

Now my issue is that when I remote start my car the Factory Alarm goes off and I'm not sure how to fix this issue, currently to avoid this issue I disarm the car remote-start and then arm the car again all using the python key.

Note that this seems to only occur if I leave the car locked for sometime (maybe more than 5~10 minutes) which cause the factroy alarm to arm.
posté Juin 6, 2016 dans la catégorie Mazda par Ahmed Albaiti (320 points)
modifié Juin 6, 2016 par Ahmed Albaiti

1 Réponse

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The Black red wire is not a "true ignition" in this vehicle, meaning that eventhough it gets power when the IGN switch is turned to the ON/IGN position it actually drops out when cranking. So connecting it to the ACC wire of the remote starter is fine. (not all remote starters have 2 IGN outputs)



The Oem alarm is in no way controlled by the evo-all, you will need to connect your arm and disarm wires from your remote starter to the vehicle's  Arm and Disarm wire which is the single light green wire on the BCM you will need a 1k resistor on the ARM wire and no resistor on the disarm wire.
répondu Juin 6, 2016 par J M (64,270 points)
élue Juin 8, 2016 par Ahmed Albaiti
I'm not sure what you mean by true ignition, but connecting the Black/Red wire would make the AC fans work while connecting the Black/White wire (which is not marked at all in the wirecolor diagram) get the accessories and the the AC comprosser to actually work, without these connections the AC will not work proberly which defeats the purpose of having a remote started.

Also as per the EVO-All guide I connected the Evo A18 Green/Red wire to the light green wire, are you saying that I also need to connect to that same wire two wires from the remote starter, and are they the wires called "200ma Factory Alarm Arm Output" and "200ma Factory Alarm Disarm Output".

Thanks for your support.
I've double checked the oem wiring diagrams and the whole AC system seems to be connected to the Black Red wire, the Black/white wire is only connected to the audio system and mostly the power mirrors and keyless, but hey if hooking everything up on your vehicle works by all means connect them up.


As for the oem alarm ringing, we disarm also by sending the immobilzer codes to the vehicle. so one test you can do is : sit in the vehicle, arm the system, once armed, take the ground out when running wire of the evo all (dark blue) hold it to ground (red led should light up) then remote start 1-2 seconds later,  if by doing this the oem alarm no longer rings, then take your disarm wire from the remote starter unit and wire it in parallel with the ground out from the remote starter. (disarm and GWR from Remote starter TO GWR wire of evo all, dark blue in 20 pin connector)


This in effect will give the evo-all a headstart when remote starting, the issue maybe that the remote starter unit is sending ignition on too close to the ground out when running signal.


Thank you
I couldn't test connecting the GWR wire to ground due to the lack of space and a long wire to test with so instead I just connected the disarm and the GWR from the remote started to the GWR of evo all and tested, but it didn't work when I remote start the factory alarm goes off.

Also I noticed the factory alarm well not arm unless I use the CAR key to arm it after I arm with the remoter starter key or if I leave the car locked for around 5~10 minutes.

Is there any options in the evo-all that controls the arm-disarm behavior?
1.without arming the oem alarm, does the vehicle remote start?

The GWR test is essential since it will prove whether or not it is a timing issue you are experiencing since you are using a 3rd party remote starter. (we cannot control how other manutacturers program their output timings)

The answer to the first question will determine the course of action, the vehicle needs to be able to remote start first since we need a properly programmed evo unit to send the immobilizer codes to 1. disarm the oem alarm, and 2. to permit remote starting by bypassing the immobilzer system.

Another important question is, is your remote starter programmed to "unlock" the vehicle first before remote starting? if Yes, please remove this option since this can cause the issue you are having since we disarm with the immobilizer codes instead of "unlocking" the vehicle.

1.without arming the oem alarm, does the vehicle remote start?

the vehicle always remote start successfully, but when the oem alarm is armed it will also trigger the Alarm, but the car will remote start just fine and will keep running.

For the GWR test I'm aquireing some long wires and I will be attempting the test tonight.

I'm not sure if the remote started is configured to "unlock" the vehicle, but the remote starter only actuall control signals that are connected are the GWR from the remote started to the GWR of the EVO-All and the D2D cable between them, that is why I'm thinking that maybe it is a configuration in the EVO-All that is not disarming the OEM alarm.

I'll try to connect my evo to the update tool and check the available configuration options.

If you are connected D2D (datalink) then commands are sent from your remote starter to the evo through data, you need to check options in the remote starter to see if unlock before start is enabled.

if that option is turned on the remote starter, changing options in the evo all will not fix anything as the commands from the remote starter and the evo will be conflicting, (trying to do 2 different things at the same time) remote starter trying to unlock car, and evo trying to disarm via immobiler code

the GWR test is just to confirm that we can disarm the oem alarm using the immobilzer codes, and doing it way before the Remote starter can send commands through the datalink cable.
last night before anything I dicided to connect the evo-all to the updater tool and check the configurations and I found an option For Disarming and Arming OEM Alarm for remote start that was switched off, I changed it to ON and saved, and when I pluged it back into the car the issue was resolved and now the OEM alarm is no longer triggered by remote start.

Thank you for clarifying how the systems work and for taking the trouble to help me, greatly appreciated.