Questions & Answers

Where can I get the guide for Evo-All for Mazda CX-9 2014?

+2 votes
My mazda is not the keyless model, I'm installing it  with a Python 5706P.
posté Mai 24, 2016 dans la catégorie Mazda par Ahmed Albaiti (320 points)

1 Réponse

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Here is a link to the installaion guide for your vehicle.

Please note the firmware and hardware requirements.

répondu Mai 24, 2016 par derek g (358,230 points)
élue Mai 26, 2016 par Ahmed Albaiti

Thanks for the link, this quide is stated to be for the 2013 model, is it the same for 2014?

Also is there a way I could get the wire-color docs before I get my unit, I need to study this installation before getting my unit so I'm ready to install when I get it.
The 13 and 14 are the same that will be the guide you need.

When you purchase an evo-all it comes with a wire color token to unlock 1 vehicle. You can use that to get the wire color information for the vehicle.

Keep in mind that once you unlock the vehicle it is only unlocked for 48 hours, so I would suggst saving any pictures and information once you have used the token.
Thanks for your quick replies, greatly appriciated.