Questions & Answers

EVO-ALL Options to Remote Start 2011 Infiniti M37x

+1 vote
Attempting to setup EVO-ALL with THAR-NIS1 to remote start 2011 Infiniti M37x with OEM keyfob (press lock 3 times). Updated firmware successfully to 72.20 per recommendation using the FlashLink Manager.  Guide says to set Options C1 and D1 to ON.  When I do this and then click SAVE OPTIONS, the Flash Link Manager immediately indicates "Device Disconnected - Waiting for device" and then tells me "the current unit does not support this feature". Please assist. Thanks!
posté Avr 2, 2016 dans la catégorie Infiniti par Ken Giroux (190 points)

2 Réponses

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
Flash to appropriate update. Disconnect Evo then plug back in, then try and save option. Works for me every time.
répondu Avr 4, 2016 par JEREMY JOHNSON (1,820 points)
élue Avr 4, 2016 par Robert T
0 votes

Please check the firmware version of the FLASHLINK UPDATER-2,

This can be done 2 ways,

1. open flashlink manager, plug in updater, plug in evo unit, on the main page when it loads up, (evo-all status) you will see 2 columns of information, evo all on the left and flashlink updater on the right,

On the right side, please verify what is written on the firmware version for the updater, it shoud be 3.02 or higher.


2. punch in the service number on the bottom of the flashlink updater-2 module on our website on the search bar on the top right of the screen here:

And a page will open with the information on your unit.


if the firmware is not as stated before, please update the firmware by just leaving only the updater plugged into the computer and clicking on the "help" tab on the top left part of the page. click on "Flashlink Firmware Update" and follow the on-screen instructions, once done, please go back to the help tab and this time click on "CANCEL FLASHLINK UPDATE" and follow on-screen instructions.

Also make sure you are running the lastest version of Flashlink Manager, which is version 3.54, you can check this by going back to the help tab, and click on "about" a little pop-up will appear, and the current version will be written in blue.

If you do not have v3.54 please go here to download the latest version :


Thank you



répondu Avr 4, 2016 par J M (64,270 points)