Questions & Answers

Toyota Corolla 2005 - Ignition Not Lighting Up

0 votes
I think I have everything hooked up. and have triple-checked ignition wire connection. The car only turns the engine but never ignites to actually start the car. Any ideas? I now have the wirecolor wire chart, so hopefully that helps. I was using what came with the crimestopper remote start kit.



posté Fev 17, 2016 dans la catégorie Toyota par Ryan Burns (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Might want to contact crimestopper to see if they have any troubleshooting steps you can follow. On this vehicle if all accessories ignition and start are connected, ignition should defnitly come on. Off the top of my head without being in the vehicle, i bet there's an accessory and ignition connection that is reversed. Take out a mulitmeter and test the connections when starting the car with the key and then test to be sure the outputs of the remote starter are connected to the appropriate wires on the vehicle. Multimeter or test light is the only way you can confirm proper connections.
répondu Fev 17, 2016 par Robert T (305,380 points)