Questions & Answers

2014 Isuzu NPR Eco Max truck. Need alarm wire colors for this truck cab.

0 votes
I am Installaing an alarm system with remote start into this vehicle.   It has a diesel engine and I am in need of the wire diagram for this unit.    The system being installed is a "Viper 5906V" and I can't seem to find any information anywhere on this vehicles wiring.    Please Help!!!
posté Oct 26, 2015 dans la catégorie Isuzu par Wayne Lang (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
would love to help, but unfortunately I have no information for this vehicle as we have no compatible products for it.

You may have better luck on and also by whiping out the multimeter and testing wires.
répondu Oct 26, 2015 par Robert T (304,910 points)
I did just that yesterday.   Do you want information on this vehicle?
Feel free to send whatever information you may have to !