Questions & Answers

What EVO I need to remote start 2009 Audi Q5 Push to Start

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I have a 2009 Audi Q5 Push to Start (regular key fob, not "smart key").

All I want to do is use the factory remote to remote start the car (three "lock" button presses). I don't need any other functionality.

It looks like the EVO-One and EVO-All are both compatible. But I can't tell the real difference between these two.

For the Audi Q5 2009 PTS, which one do I need? What's the difference between the two?
posté Sept 28, 2015 dans la catégorie Audi par Michael Procopio (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Hi Michael,


Unfortunately you cannot use the OEM remote to do 3xlock start/stop in your vehicle because the OEM remotes does not function anymore while the vehicle is running/started.


So in this type of solution, we recommend that a RF kit be installed or a separate remote starter so that remote control functions are 100% while the vehicle is running.


The main difference  between the EVO-ONE and EVO-ALL is that the EVO-ONE is a "remote starter" (with high current outputs) and bypass in one unit, and the EVO-ALL is just a Bypass that can also work as a "standalone remote starter" (low current) in certain vehicles.


Thank you,
répondu Sept 28, 2015 par J M (64,270 points)