Questions & Answers

Evo-All Module don't work propertly in kia soul 2013 (part 2)

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Thank you for your answer. Probably I had found a possible reason, but know I don't know what to do.

I have disconnected the blue wire from my car alarm system, and I to put it mannually to the car ground before I do the start command  from my car alarm. And after that EVO-ALL module works all the time when I start my car via car-alarm (but I need every time before I start it disconnect and connect again the blue wire of EVO-ALL to the ground). And after that I tried more times to simulate possible reasons, and when I connect ignition earlier than GWR I see the same thing: I see the yellow and red leds are light and bypass doesn't work.

To connect EVO-ALL I use out in my car alarm that especially designed for bypass modules. Bellow that text the picture with my car alarm signals diagramm. And I think that delay between GWR and ignition isn't enough and EVO-ALL needs more time to swith on the bypass scheme.

What can I do to work Evo-All properly. Thank you.


posté Dec 4, 2013 dans la catégorie Kia par Vyacheslav Abramov (170 points)

1 Réponse

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Try this first as we've seen lately a problem when unlock / disarm is connected to the EVO.

  • Remove any connection on the purple/white wire of the EVO.


répondu Dec 4, 2013 par Robert T (305,380 points)
Evo-All Module don't work propertly in kia soul 2013 (part 3)