Questions & Answers

Fuel Injector's wire

0 votes
Hi Fortin:

I just received my EVO-ALL along with TBGM2.  I am installing the device as a stand alone.  I registered with to get the wiring for my car which I did.  My only question here is, the fuel injector wire, it says "Fuel Injector, Opposite Pink/Black" Opposite of what? is it on the BCM? or somewhere else?  

Car is: Chevy Impala 2007 LS 3.5L

Please advice where is the connector for the fuel injector.  Also, will EVO-ALL be required to connect to the fuel injector?

Thank you very much,

posté Aout 19, 2014 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Yazen Aswad (450 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
Fuel injectors are located on your engine.

You don't need this connection since the EVO-ALL offers Tachometer.
répondu Aout 19, 2014 par Robert T (304,330 points)
élue Aout 21, 2014 par Yazen Aswad
Thank you very much for the comment.  I appreciate it.  This leads to another question if I may, I dont see which wire for the techometer on my car! But I see the pink wire on the EVO-ALL marked to be connected to the Techometer.  I couldnt find the techometer wire on wirecolor. com.

Your help and adviced is very much needed please.


Thank you,

The EVO will get the tach signal from the vehicles CAN bus, no need to wire up for tach.
Exactly what Darren said.
Thank you very much Darren :)
Thank you very much Robert :)