Questions & Answers

Why am I not able to start JK with the key after install of EVO-ALL

+1 vote
I have a 2011 Jeep Wrangler Sport, AUTO, with power package. I am trying to install an EVO-ALL as a stand-alone remote start option. I have configured the EVO-ALL with option #12 and #15 enabled. The remote start works fine. However, since installing, I am not able to start the Jeep using the key. When I start the Jeep with the key, the engine starts and then after about 2-3 seconds stops and the light above the temperature gauge blinks red. I have tried to uninstall the EVO-ALL and put Jeep back to stock but I am still unable to start the Jeep with the key and the same problems exist.

I have tried grounding the purple/white wire during the install of the EVO-ALL as well as pressing the unlock button on the remote during the install and neither method has changed the behaviour of the Jeep.

Any assistance is appreciated.
posté Avr 9, 2014 dans la catégorie Jeep par Ryan

1 Réponse

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Hi Ryan,


Most common problem with Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep that have the SKREEM module is that when disconnecting or trying to access the connector, the whole plastic piece moves a little too much and snaps a solder where the antenna ring is located (around the actual key hole). The way your vehicle is acting seems indicating that is the problem. Red light flashing is the that vehicle does not see the transponder in your key which is directly related to that solder that might be snapped.


The only way to really know for sure would be to inspect the the OEM transponder ring around the key barrel for a broken solder/connection.


I have tried grounding the purple/white wire during the install of the EVO-ALL as well as pressing the unlock button on the remote during the install and neither method has changed the behaviour of the Jeep.

Are you using a T-Harness (THAR-CHR5)? If so, did you try removing the THarness?

As mentionned above though, if the OEM transponder ring around the barrel snapped, you would have hard time starting the car with the key with and without the EVO connected.


Also note that the Green/Red wire of the EVO should not be connected anywhere. Although i doubt this is the problem since you mentionned removing the EVO did no change on starting the vehicle with the key.

répondu Avr 9, 2014 par Robert T (305,380 points)
élue Mai 12, 2014 par Robert T
Thank you for the response! I will take a look at the module. The plastic cover did come off when I was try to unclip the wire connector on install. If the solder has been broken, do you know if this can be re-soldered or do I need a new WCM module?
You can fix it yourself. Might need a small tip on the soldering iron but it's doable.

I thought i had pics somewhere but can't find them :(

Here's a non official illustration of where the connection may be broken.

OK, I checked and it looks as though the wires that were connected to the solder points broke. I now have 2 wire ends. I was able to disassemble the WCM and now have enough extra wire to connect. However, do I connect the wire to each solder post or do I need to bridge the solder post with the two wires as shown in your pic? Also, do I need to de-solder the connections and then re-solder or can I just wrap the wire around the post ends?

Nice picture. The one I linked was just to give an idea where the contact would be broken, do not use it as a reference to fix you module.

Try to resolder the wires to the posts.
I was able to work on this project tonight. After some difficulty with the de-solder, I was able to remove the old solder and re-solder the wire to the module board. I even made some new prongs, wrapped the wire around them. I will have to say, I think I improved upon the design. After an initial test and no luck, I reset the IOD fuse again and tried again. SUCCESS!!! I closed up the module and re-mounted and then tried again. SUCCESS!!! Everything seems to be working fine. Thanks for your help, guidance, and troubleshooting. Without them, I would still be wondering what happened.
Thanks for the udpate of the progress on this. Great work!