Questions & Answers

No flashing lights during remote start

0 votes
23 tundra Everything work except i get no flashing lights to confirm remote start works. Remote start works open close works trunk opens i can turn on the miror heaters and defrosters. And ascl7 telementry works and tells me remote start is runing door status ect. When i lock the car using the remote start the horn beeps which i love cuz i cant hear the factory remotes quiet beep throug the closed window.

Any ways reflashed the module 3 times  once in pro mode and twice in wizard mode.  Is there a setting needing to changed or a wire that i need to check??
posté depuis 1 jour dans la catégorie Toyota par mc141 (460 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Typically parking lights are controlled via CAN-BUS. Is the vehicle equipped with autolights? If so, do the parking lights work when the switch is set to the OFF position?
répondu depuis 1 jour par Robert T (304,530 points)
parking lights kick on when i start  the car normaly. they don't come one when the remote start is running.