Questions & Answers

Is the EVO-NIS1 just the EVO-ALL with the t-harness?

+1 vote
Is the EVO-NIS1  just the EVO-ALL with the t-harness?


What exactly is the EVO-NIS1 product?  Is it just a bundled product or something completely different than the EVO-ALL?
posté Fev 18, 2014 dans la catégorie Nissan par Matt Frohlich (220 points)
re-tagguée Fev 18, 2014 par Robert T

1 Réponse

0 votes

Hi Matt,


The EVO-NisT1* is a combination of the EVO-ALL with the THAR-Nis1* harness. Should be cheaper to buy the combo than to buy two separate pieces.

* meant for automatic vehicles.

répondu Fev 18, 2014 par Robert T (305,380 points)
Hardwire white 20-pin connector for THAR-NIS1?