Questions & Answers

Mazda 3, 2018 step 13, solid blue light

0 votes

I have EVO-ALL and T-HARNESS Maz1 at step 13 the blue indicator is constantly on, there is no reaction to the key, does not change color to yellow Mazda 3, 2018, automatic

fermer avec la note: Wrong
posté Fev 2 dans la catégorie Mazda par Vladimir Olifer (410 points)
fermé Fev 4 par Vladimir Olifer

1 Réponse

0 votes
What is the service number of the module?

Is the vehicle located in North America?
répondu Fev 3 par Robert T (303,700 points)
001A07026326 car is located in Ukraine
Dear tech support, please help me understand this problem.
This solution does not work on vehicles not in North America.

I bought this car in America in Las Vegas and brought it to Ukraine
