Questions & Answers

There is no Red Data key wire in My Mazda 3 2016

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I tried connecting the wire to the 8th pin on the 32pin connector but I found out that my mazda doesnot have the red data key wire.I have three other wires in the 10(grey),11(white) and 12(brown) pin. It is a middle east model mazda 3 hatchback. I read one of the answers to the questions about not having a red wire was to use a seperate remote starter or get the Evo one with a T harness for the My mazda 3, I just wanted to ask is it possible that the red data key is a different color and a different pin number than the ones in North Amera on the 32 pin connector in my mazda.
posté Juin 6, 2023 dans la catégorie Mazda par Ahmed Alarayedh (130 points)

1 Réponse

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On vehicles based for over seas markets it is normal that the wire is not present. When it is not present that solution does not work.

In that case you will need an EVO-ONE, THAR-ONE-MAZ3 and the flash link updater.


Best regards
répondu Juin 7, 2023 par derek g (359,100 points)