Questions & Answers

Starter won't start if first start of day?

0 votes
Remote start will not start if it's the first start of the day, it's like if it tries, but crank is like a notch down before its about to start. But once I started the car with my key, then it will work for the rest of the day. I do not know what type of module it is, bought the car used and came with it. Came from a dealer, and they didn't use it. Sometimes it works, sometimes I need to do what I explained.
posté Fev 8, 2023 dans la catégorie Toyota par Jonatan Simard (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Best would be to bring it to a local shop so they can see what exactly is installed. Sounds like tach need to be reprogrammed but there could be issue elsewhere.
répondu Fev 9, 2023 par Robert T (305,380 points)