Questions & Answers

Remote not working to start or lock/unlock a Scion TC 2016

0 votes
Just put new batteries in and remote doesn't seem to click in. Blue light flashes, then get a red at the end. Can't lock or unlock the car with remote.
posté Dec 16, 2022 dans la catégorie Scion par Marc Brassard (150 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Which remote? If the red comes on imediately after the blue when pressing any of the buttons, it's possible the key pad is simply locked. To lock or unlock the key pad itself you have to press a combination of buttons. Let me know which model remote it is.
répondu Dec 16, 2022 par Robert T (303,700 points)

Fortin Electronic Systems ANT-FMH-2W


IC: 12084A.A2WG01FM

Fortin 3/16 1R11

And thanks for the quick reply Robert.

That would be the antenna model, not the remote.


Try the following. If the bottom button is a [+] sign. Press the the [+] and Lock together. If its a [-], press the [-] and lock together.
Didn't work