Questions & Answers

Please help on wiring 20 pin connector (Evo Chatr 5) in my Jeep Patriot Patriot to distance start by original key?

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Please help on wiring 20 pin connector (Evo Chatr 5) in my Jeep Patriot Patriot to distance start by original key.

I received my Evo chatr 5 with no instalation guide, I don't know how to connect the 20 pin connector wires...

When I hold the program button the leds become Blue but when I put the key in ignition they still on but not flashing?

Please help on this urgently, the snow is coming :)
posté Nov 12, 2022 dans la catégorie Jeep par Youness Farhi (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

Please click on this link and follow the installation and programming instructions.

répondu Nov 12, 2022 par J M (64,170 points)
Thank you for your quick answer, I followed the instruction, the blue LEDs goes OFF when I put key in ignition (on). Where the issue coming from?

My Evo-ALL SN is: 001A07 367651
Your module is not flashed, before programming it in the vehicle it must be flashed and configured using the flash link updater and flash link manager.