Questions & Answers

No Power to EvoAll 2008 Ford Escalp with Tharness

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Hello, I have an Evo-All with a FordThar1 installed in a 2008 Ford escape for stand alone remote start. The vehicle will start and run with the Key normally, but iim not getting any power to the Evo-All. Ive verified this with a DVOM and use a second EvoAll module. Is my T Harness faulty? or is there something else ive missed?
posté Sept 14, 2022 dans la catégorie Ford par justin white (190 points)

1 Réponse

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12v comes from the igniiton switch connector and the ground comes from the transponder connector. Using this information trace the circuit down the harness and see if it is present at the evo.


the black 4 pin connector that plugs into the evo should have 12v on the red wire and ground on the black wire.
répondu Sept 14, 2022 par derek g (358,230 points)