Questions & Answers

removed this kit now car wont start with key

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ok i am an installer at 12 volt solutions in tulsa oklahoma, and we installed one of your evo all kits in a 2016 ford escape, and couldnt get any power to the module so we removed the kit and plugged it all back up factory and now as soon as you turn the key to accessory it tried to start, and when you try to crank it over it does nothing.  All the lights and the radio come on but wont start.
posté Fev 22, 2022 dans la catégorie Ford par Clay Smith2 (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
if accesry cuts out when ignition is on or vice versa, these cars will crank.


To me sounds like you either have a burnt fuse or a wire that is broken a pin not seating properly/pushed back/bent.
répondu Fev 24, 2022 par derek g (357,580 points)