Questions & Answers

Anyone know why 2009 Mini Cooper s will not shut off with int-bmw-2 installed

+1 vote
I installed a remote start , evo-all and the int-bmw-2 in my wife's 2009 Mini Cooper. Evo -all seams to have programmed. However the int-bmw-2 would not let the vehicle start for about the 1st 5 minutes after installed. Once it was started with the key in the slot and the button pushed, it would not turn off. I could remove the key from the slot and it would still run. I finally had to disconnect the int-bmw-2 ribbon cables and hook the ignition up direct to turn the car back off. Anyone have any ideas or could I have a bad int-bmw-2.
posté Jan 21, 2014 dans la catégorie Mini par Jeff Patton (440 points)

1 Réponse

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99.9% of the time, the ribbon connector that goes to the vehicles cable (connector B) is connected either upside down or the pins are not aligned.

  • The red line on the int-bmw ribbon cable should aline with the vehicles.
  • The connector should cover all the pins on the factory harness. If you look at both male end of the int-bmw ribbon cable and the vehicles female end, they can easily be misplaced one pin to the left or right.
répondu Jan 21, 2014 par Robert T (304,910 points)