Questions & Answers

No Auto headlights with EVO ALL 2019 Elantra GT

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Installed a RS using the EVO ALL as the bypass. Everything connect as per instructions. Verified twice the correct wires and connections. Module programs as per instructions. Everything works, tach signal, brake,hood status, start, lock, unlock, arm, and disarm. But now the Auto Lights feature of the car does not work. Disconnected the parklight Mux wire but the problem still existed. Studied the intall guide and decided to reconnect wires labeled Cut 1 and Cut 2. With these two wires not running into the EVO ALL the Auto Lights feature works. The only issue I found with this is that the fatory remote will not work on the door locks. My  questions is why is there interfence with the Auto Lights when Cut 1 and Cut 2 are connected to the EVO ALL?
posté Oct 28, 2021 dans la catégorie Hyundai par Jeff Steingart (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

Verifiy the wires that have been used for the cut1 and cut2. 


Also verify that it's correct wires on the EVO. Correct colors, and verify the pin-out, just in case.


répondu Oct 28, 2021 par Robert T (305,380 points)
Both wires Cut 1 and Cut 2 were verified by color and pin placement.

Wire color and connection points also verified twice from the EVO.