Questions & Answers

Remote start standard key 2019 Honda civic not working

0 votes
Evo One remote start T harness 2019 Honda civic standard key not working   

I followed the guide and I have the parking light and horn connected. I also have the fuse connected to the odb contact +.   

After doing the sequence and yellow and red alternate flashing, I disconnected the unit to use the decryptor and transferred the data. Everything seems ok and once I connected everything back, there is no blue light or any light on the Evo. I lock the car and after some seconds tried 3x lock, nothing happens, the Evo doesn't show any light at a!!. No remote start.

When I turn the ignition on, the yellow light on the Evo is on (no flashing). Nothing else happens.   Is there any other step needed that I am missing?   Evo id: 002B04 107292   By the way, the firmware installed is the latest available   

Thanks in advance
posté Dec 13, 2020 dans la catégorie Honda par Natalie Maldonado (880 points)
modifié Dec 13, 2020 par Natalie Maldonado

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Your module is set up for lock-unlock-lock...not 3x lock.
répondu Dec 14, 2020 par derek g (358,230 points)
Thank you Derek, 
I did that after I fixed the issue. I thought by loading the recommended settings the remote start will have D2, C1, and 38 will have the settings set. But after 2 times transferring the data and not being able to remote start the vehicle I downgraded the firmware and read everything again, noticing that function 38 on Remote Start was disabled. After that, I knew what was wrong. So I choose on purpose 38.5 to avoid the accidental 3x while the key is in the pocket. 
Is there any manual or instructions to know how to cancel the remote start or to terminate the process? I found that 2x unlock will be needed before lock/unlock/lock to cancel and shut the car off, but I am not sure is there is any guide to know how to cancel the command (I have in my Wrangler the Linkr-LT2 /mycar app that makes this cancellation very easy)  
Thanks again Derek (you are always helping me to get things right smiley)
Happy Holidays!!