Questions & Answers

2014 ram 3500 push gas push to start pressed 3x turns on no crank

0 votes
lock and unlock work good
posté Nov 30, 2020 dans la catégorie Ram par James granado (190 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
S/N to the module?


Parts that are being installed in the vehicle?
répondu Nov 30, 2020 par derek g (359,100 points)
Evo-all service#001A06 821877
Do the brake lights turn on when you try to remote start? If not verify you brake connection.
brake connection is connected ,but no tail lights everything good at module and dash lights. verified wire green/brown to green /red for brake pedal  and also checked ground wire .
since you say the brake lights do not turn on, verify you have voltage comming out o the evo's wire. if you do the issue is either the wire or the connection.
ah my friend ,but when i use unlock and lock the tail lights work . Also yes there is voltage .