Questions & Answers

evo-all + DSM300 Smartstart

+1 vote
I have a 2009 Infiniti FX35 with evo-all with the T-harnes and added a Directed DSM300 smartstart module.

I have two issues;

1) when I remote start the car everything is fine and the doors remain locked. When I remote shutoff the car, the doors unlock. Is that supposed to happen? It happens with both the smartstart and 3X lock method. I'm worried that after the 15 minute timer is up on the start and it shutsdown, the doors will unlock.

2) the smartstart will start the car but I can not unlock and lock the doors, I have plugged the unlock/lock wires into the bcm and when I test the lock/unlock on the smartstart, the blue light flashes once so I'm pretty sure its getting the signal from the smartstart module. But the doors dont lock or unlock, could this be a grounding issue or something?
asked Apr 2, 2016 in Infiniti by Jason Seidel (280 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Please do the following test, take the purple and purple/white wire in the 20 pin evo all connector,

Strip the ends of the wires,

Touch one at a time to vehicle's ground, purple should lock the doors, and purple/white should unlock.

If nothing happens, verify connections to bcm for lock and unlock on the Green and White wires,

Please verify pin position and that the wires are making contact with the pins in the connector.

Once you can lock and unlock the vehicle as described above,

Please enable option D2 in the evo-all options tab and re-test vehicle.
answered Apr 4, 2016 by J M (64,170 points)
selected Apr 10, 2016 by Jason Seidel
So everything is working, thanks for the tip. But i have one final issue. I can start, stop, lock and unlock. It also locks the doors after starting. But when i go to the app and check the startus it gives an error and cant get status, i setup the connection according to the doc, but this seems like maybe a firmware issue?
The status portion of the app is only available when combining smartstart with a native DEI remote start.
Ok, thanks.
Just curious what your actual problem here ended up being? Did you not have a good connection to the bcm? And how did you get the doors to lock after remote start shut down? Was that done by changing an option in the evo all settings?
Chase, option D2 and/or option D5 will pulse the analog Lock wire after remote start shut down. The lock wire needs to be connected where indicated in the guide for this to work.


If you want to see how his specific unit is setup, click here: