Questions & Answers

How to make vehicles parking lights turn on with Chrt5?

+1 vote
I have a CHRT5 system on my 2008 Dodge 1500. Everything works great (starts, stops, security features work) but I cannot get the parking lights to come on when the vehicle is running. I know it says the white and green wire, but it doesn't say from whih plug to take it from since there are multiple greens and white wires. Just need to know where I connect the wires from and to. Thank you very much
asked Dec 14, 2015 in Dodge by Brandon Beja (140 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
you need to use the brown/white(-) from the evo-all 20 pin connector and connect it to the White / Green Parking Light Harness Multiplex. Ground through a 1.1K ohm resistor.

Make sure to test this connection first before connecting anything as a incorrect connection will permanently damage the module or even worse the vehicle.
answered Dec 14, 2015 by derek g (357,630 points)
I tested the green and white wires from the harness on the vehicle. Problem is that they both have positive power. Why would I be taking a ground wire to the positive wire. Won't that blow the system out?

it's a negative trigger through a 1.1K Ohm resistor since it's a mulitplex signal. (different resistance = different things turn on).


Hey man I have the same vehicle, 2008 Ram 1500. I connected the brown/white from the EVO-ALL 20 pin harness to the green/white coming out of my headlight switch (the SAME one indicated in that picture above). I tapped into the wire and spliced in the brown/white with no resistor. Works great but it turns on the headlights/parking lights/tail lights instead of just the parking lights. I assume the resistor would change that.

So just splice it in if you don't mind the headlights. It works great. The EVO is just sending a signal to this wire, it's not putting 12 volts to it. Nothing to worry about.
On a few Ram pickups (06-08) that I've done, I ended up having to use a 2k ohm resistor to reliably trigger the parking lights.  When I used a 1.1k resistor on those trucks, sometimes the headlights would come on.  Sometimes the parking lights.

Just thought I'd mention this in case you try the 1.1k resistor and the parking lights don't reliably turn on.
