Questions & Answers

EVO ONE solid red led

0 votes
I am attempting to install an EVO ONE on a 2007 Lincoln Towncar, standard installation. First my problem was that when I inserted the second key the yellow led would turn on with the red one and would not let me proceed.

NOW, whenever I connect the EVO ONE using the six pin conncector, the EVO ONE will not alternate leds and just stays on red. I already tried going from .99 firmware to the newest one and no luck.
posté Oct 19, 2019 dans la catégorie Lincoln par Juan Becerra (390 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
If the light is solid red this nomrally means one of 2 things:


1- Module firmware is corrupt. Try flashing a different version.

2- Moudle has been damaged.
répondu Oct 21, 2019 par derek g (357,980 points)