Questions & Answers

Camaro 2012 - Manual transmission remote start?

0 votes

I installed Fortin Evo GMT One and Crime Stopper DS-1 to remote start my car.

The remote start works but I still have 2 problems to solve...

1. How to override the clutch press message that blocks the car from starting?
2. How to manage remote starting procedure for manual transmission. The device don't recognize that I pulled the hand brake

Thanks in advance,

Best regards
posté Fev 14, 2016 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Dario Waynder (130 points)
modifié Fev 15, 2016 par Dario Waynder

1 Réponse

0 votes
For the clutch bypass, you will have to take the GWR wire from your crime stopper and send it to the yellow wire at the clutch switch through aa 180ohm resistor.

For the remote starting procedure I don't know how your crime stopper works, you can check the user guide it should explain of to do the sequence.

Make sure your module is set to be on a manual transmission vehicle.
répondu Fev 15, 2016 par Dario Waynder (85,210 points)
that worked...thank you sir!