Questions & Answers

2013 Prius C not remote starting in extreme cold

0 votes
I know winter is passing and extreme cold temperatures (zero and subzero) are going away, but I'd like to be prepared next year.

My 2013 Prius C (the small one) is not remote starting under extreme temperatures.  I've looked at all the options to turn on/off with my flashlinker, and hybrid mode is "ON", but no idea what other options to tick ON/OFF, since most seem to be pretty straightforward.

I was told by someone else that there should be an option to tick "OFF" for voltage or tach reading, but there is none, any help? thank you.
fermer avec la note: off topic
posté Mar 21, 2015 dans la catégorie Toyota par cthao86 (130 points)
fermé Mai 22, 2015 par Robert T2

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Hybrid mode needs to be on for your vehicle.

What is the remote starter used ? Please provide your service number.
répondu Mar 21, 2015 par Robert T2 (85,210 points)
You don't get bug reports as much as a technician in a car dealer. We get all the come backs, you don't know 90% of the problems we run into.

FSA206? That dates back a while ago and if i remember correctly, that was due to an electrical storm zapping one of our flashing computers. We took back all units that were affected and reflashed them properly.


Point being, we have 0 bug reports on the Prius with a no start when it's cold issue. If we did have calls on this, they were fixed and it was either caused by firmware or it was something to do with the installation / options of the unit(s) being installed (hence why there would be no bug reports). If you have 1 in 3 vehicles working correctly, you should simply call tech support so we can all figure out why 2 in 3 remote starter installs are giving you problems.


The aftermarket starter also acts as a factory starter and controls the car as a factory starter. If there were issues like Jesus Monroy pointed out of the factory starter not working in cold temperatures, it will be replicated on any aftermarket device.


Anyways, there can be a few reasons why you're having issues with some Prius's. Maybe it's firmware related, maybe it's connection related, maybe it's car related, maybe it's car related and something on certain VINs we need too look at to adjust the firmware accordingly, but i really doubt it's physical hardware related.


Side note, I noticed it's not the same User Name answering the comments as the original poster. Is Denis Mathieu and cthao86 the same person?



I'm not cthao86.

Sorry i haven't beeen clear enough. I just wanted to point out that the fsa-206 and e300 have cold related issue, and not just on a prius.

I remember that flashing problem and also remembered that an installator of yours told us that a transistor was broken by the casing, so the reflash did nothing, hence the fact that we change 2 out of 3 fsa206( the ones with blue or white dots). Ground out was a big issue also, many evo-all not activated.

This winter we had a lot of problem with different toyota model due to the cold, they wouldn't start with the e300 and e400. We returned maybe around 25 module, so if fortin doesn't have bug reports, that a business problem. To improve, a company need to keep a list of what problem is occuring( because modules are coming back to the shop...)

To finish, i'm a hybrid/master tech in a toyota dealer, there's no such thing as a toyota firmware forbidding the car to start with a preset cut-off.

My point is... cold related problems with e300, e400 and fsa-206 exist, bug report or no. Make a survey with the dealers, we talk to each other, and it's all yhe same problems.

E400 seems to be more reliable.

Thank you.
If you are having issues with units, please send an email to indicating which region / store you are in and which other dealers you recommend we contact. You can also talk to Alex at tech support.
Set D2 to OFF, D2 is ON in your video.