Questions & Answers

EVO-ONE 2012 Kia Optima Hybrid

+1 vote
Disclaimer - I am not an installer. I am however highly skilled with electronics thanks to my service in the military. I don't know everything so I'm asking for assistance as Fortin Tech Support seems to be extremely busy. I have an actual question at the bottow of this long description.

I'm installing an EVO-ONE into my 2012 Kia Optima Hybrid PTS. The diagrams provided by Fortin were very clear. I did all my research prior to the installation. I then labeled all my cables, flashed the bypass and remote starter to the version specified in the documentation. The configuration required from my car is basically default settings with option D4 enabled. I also enabled C1 as I am using the OEM remote. On the remote-starter, I have enabled the 3x lock for the OEM remote.

I tapped and wire wrapped all my connections, then soldered them and covered the connecitons with electrical tape. I went through the whole programming process which is surprisingly easy. I received the flashing red and blue indicating successful programing of the KEY and CAN.

Testing the OEM key fob, I was able to lock/unlock and open the trunk. The car starts normally and drive normally. When I tried the 3x lock, I see each lock received by the EVO by the flashing blue led each press. The Red led comes on and the car attempts to start. The parking light flash twice and the yellow led comes on.

However, the car  is NOT running. The Optima Hybrid should show a Green READY light on the dash, as well as all the various indicators should go out. The car is behaving as though the PTS button was pressed twice without the brake pedel leaving it with the accessories turned on but not running.

After upgrading/downgrading various firmware. Talking with tech support and trying numerous options I am at an impass. What I have concluded is I did something wrong on the wiring. Retracing my steps I found that I questioned with the ignition connections from the EVO.



On the Optima I'm using A1 and E5 (+)  to the ignition on the car. What isn't clear is if I should be TAPPING the ignition on the car ( I spliced the A1/E5 together and then tapped the ignition) OR should I be interrupting the ignition (say cutting the ignition wire, connecting one side to A1 and the other to E5). Is this any concern? Am I on the right track?
posté Nov 20, 2014 dans la catégorie Kia par Trevor Long (210 points)

1 Réponse

+2 votes
Meilleure réponse
Yellow wire from the evo and the ignition wire from your remote starter BOTH goes to the ignition wire in the kick panel.

What remote starter brand and model are you using ?


In your EVOALL options make sure you have Hybrid mode enabled
répondu Nov 20, 2014 par Trevor Long (85,210 points)
élue Nov 20, 2014 par Robert T2
The EVO-ONE does both bypass and remote-starter. Its so new, tech support said the troubleshooting documentation isn't complete yet.
Ho just saw EVOONE in the title sorry about confusion. Make sure you are connected to the good START wire in the kick panel. I remember there is two grey wire side by side in this connector. Look carefully at pinout location in the guide.
I'll start there. Thanks for the quick reply!
Dude, you were spot on! I tapped into the wrong wire for the starter. Two grey wires next to each, what a pain! I'll fix it tomorrow. For now I can sleep peacefully. Thanks again for the assistance!
I'm in business after moving the wire.

However, there is one problem. There is a behavior of the Optima Hybrid that doesn't appear to be compatible with the EVO-ONE remote-starter. If the air conditioning is set for a relatively high temperature on ignition, the engine will immediately start. In a situation where the air conditioning is set for a relatively close temperature compared to the outside, the car simply goes into READY mode.

The EVO-ONE remote-starter appears to have some kind of conflict when there is an immediate call for the engine when remote starting and shuts down. This is kind of frustrating as its the reason why I'm installing it in the first place.

I was uploading a bug report but the FlashLink software doesn't like the VIN I'm provding.

I read through fast fast, make sure these options are set

Bypass side option D4 - Hybrid should be on

Remote side options

  • Function 20 set to mode 5
  • Function 26 set to mode 1 (default); Hybrid is managed by the bypass option


As for the VIN, the flash link checks with existing VINs. Might just be a typo somewhere.

Thanks Robert! Again Thanks to Mathieu!

I applied the settings you suggested Robert. The car repeated the same behavior as before when trying to remote start with the heat set on high. I watched the startup, it appears that the accessories turn on towards the last part of the remote start sequence.

If the fan is set to a manual settings with just about any temperature, the remote starter will shutdown because the engine cranks early. If I set the fan controller to AUTO, the remote start up sequence completes no matter the temperature I set. This appears to delay the call for heat from the enginee just long enough to allow the remote starter finish whatever its doing. I assume its true for A/C as well.

I will be testing the remote starter under various conditions over the next few days. I really really appreciate all the assistance.

The accessories are off during crank time which is 8 seconds. Please verify in the flashlink manager that on the bypass  side the option D4 Hybrid mode is ON

D4 was on. I reset everything and started over. The behavior is inconsistent. Sometimes it starts fine others its shuts right off. It's very frustrating. Any other recommendations, other than turn the heat off.
Its cold this morning, below 30F. The remote-starter doesn't work because no matter the A/C setting the engine is trying to start.. I'm seriously disappointed in this product. The lack of documentation along with this repeated failure to start under cold conditions makes me believe this thing wasn't actually ready when it was released. Is this even correctable through a software update to the remote starter?
Mathieu is our lead Hyundai/Kia tech. The system works on the 2012 Optima Hybrid. For further tech support, when you have the vehicle and are ready to probably test some wires, contact Fortin Tech Support directly 1-877-336-7797 . speak to Alex or any tech support agent.

ill call in tomorrow. In the mean time I uploaded a couple of videos illustrating what's happening.



Thanks to Alex, Robert and Mathieu. Thank you for not giving up.

Apparently my Optima is sending a brake signal along the CAN bus on these cold start days. While speaking with Alex I realized the dealership had applied several updates for various safety reasons. One of them could've been an ECU update to add this behavior. I will follow up with the dealership to find exactly what they did.

We disabled the foot brake output on the bypass and the car started right up! I had to connect the black EVO wire to the cars green/orange (actually light green) brake wire but that was easy. Now it's time to put it all back together.
excellent news! enjoy the warmth