Questions & Answers

FAQ - INT-BMW1 Vehicle Shutdown Sequence

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The following outlines the signals that are used by the INT-BMW1 after the vehicle has been remote started and how the INT-BMW1 determines when to shut down the vehicle for either convenience or security.

There are 4 different possible shut down situations:

1) If the INT-BMW1 does not detect that the door is unlocked using the remote-starter, and the remote-starter is shut down the INT-BMW1 will shut down the vehicle immediately. This is for security reasons thus why it is important to connect the unlock and foot brake circuits as shown in the installation guide, otherwise the vehicle can be driven away without a key.

2) If the INT-BMW1 detects that the door is unlocked using the remote-starter, it will wait 45 seconds before shutting down the vehicle.

3) If the INT-BMW1 detects that the door is unlocked using the remote-starter and the remote-starter is not shut down within 45 seconds, the INT-BMW1 will shut down the vehicle immediately.

4) If the INT-BMW1 detects that the door is unlocked using the remote-starter and the remote-starter is shut down within 45 seconds, the INT-BMW1 will not shut down the vehicle. This is a convenience feature that allows the owner of the vehicle to get in a drive away without having to restart the vehicle. The are are only 2 ways that the vehicle can be shut down after this situation is met.

  1.  The vehicle can be shut down by manually by pressing the Push-to-start button.
  2.  The vehicle can be shut down by doing a remote-start takeover (this will reset to situation 1 above) and then subsequently a remote start shut down.
posté Aout 20, 2014 dans la catégorie Bypass par Mukesh Patel2 (1,640 points)
re-tagguée Aout 21, 2014 par Robert T2

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