Questions & Answers

RF741W remote has solid red light when batteries are in & antenna is flashing blue

0 votes
I’ve had my vw for 4 years now, when I bought it the remote starter was already installed . I’ve never had a problem up until recently this winter, my remote batteries seemed like they were dying quicker than ever. And after the last time I replaced the batteries the red led on the remote comes on and doesn’t allow any function to be done. The remote starter is useless right now if i can’t start it
posté Mar 20 dans la catégorie Volkswagen par jessica keresturi (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes


Do you mean when you press a button the led goes red? if so you may have locked the remote, bottom of page 6 shows how to lock and unlock the keypad.


Best regards.
répondu Mar 20 par derek g (337,660 points)
Red light is on when not pressing buttons , always on

Hhhmm that would lead me to beleve that the batteries may not be installed properly, the wrong batteries have been used or something has happened physically to the remote causing it to be permanently damaged.

There is no setting or option to have the red led on all the time.

Best regards.
