Questions & Answers

2019 toyota 4 runner push to start won't program evo one

0 votes
Does key bypass need to be done before flashlink manager?
posté Jan 19, 2021 dans la catégorie Toyota par Michael Perez2 (130 points)
modifié Jan 19, 2021 par Michael Perez2

1 Réponse

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You have to flash the module with the correct firmware before attempting to program it to the vehicle.
répondu Jan 19, 2021 par Jerome Thomassin (2,450 points)
Got everything programmed, but remote does not start vehicle.
You're trying to start it in 3X Lock from factory remote, or with additionnal RF Kit ?
Factory remote.
You have activated the option for the 3X Lock start ? It's option 38.2 in the module

Plus you need to press 1sec each time , don't do it too fast
Yes, I activated 38.2. I'm gonna recheck everything again today.